Russian Scientific and practical conference “The image of the future of Russian youth – traditional spiritual and moral values”

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The purpose of the conference is the integration of departmental and
public resources for the consolidation of society,
the sustainable development of science, education, and the successful
socialization of the younger generation in order to implement
youth policy.

Section 1. Formation of civic identity and professional
self-determination of the individual
Section 2. Countering spiritual expansion and social
destruction: traditionalism and spiritual unity
Section 3. Appropriation of traditional spiritual and moral values
through participation in youth movements and associations in
the educational system of the university
Section 4. Family, motherhood, childhood in the paradigm of student
Section 5. Homeland: patriotism, education, science and technology as
factors of national security
Student section. Youth public associations, socialization of youth.

Location of the event
98 Malookhtinsky ave., St. Petersburg, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution
“Russian State Hydrometeorological

Date of the event
April 11, 2024
The format of the event
Full-time, remote

Participation in the conference is free of charge
All participants will be given a certificate of participation in the
conferences. Proceedings of the conference with subsequent inclusion in the RSCI database. Rules for registration in the Application

The official website of the conference