The certificate of RSHU is an official document approved by the Academic Council of RSHU and accepted by other Russian universities.

Who Needs Pre-University Training?
- Those who want to get a higher education at RSHU or any other university in Russia;
- Those who wants to master one of the most common and complex languages in the world, focusing on their future major;
- Foreign citizens who want to easily adapt to a new environment.

Become a part of the friendly university team and make a lot of acquaintances

Learn Russian under the guidance of the best teachers of our university

Immerse yourself in the socio-cultural environment of St. Petersburg, the cultural capital of Russia
Methods of Teaching And Adaptation
Preparation of international students of the Preparatory Department for studying at the faculties and institutes of the RSHU.
The educations is conducted only in Russian so that students can quickly integrate into the academic environment. Full-time education makes it easier for students to socialize in an unfamiliar environment.
The program includes language and subject training in the necessary disciplines for the future major.
The program consists 2 semesters:
1st semester – Russian language;
2nd semester – Russian language + subjects in 5 profiles.
The duration of study at the Preparatory Department at the university is one academic year.
Main dates: from October 1 to August 31, including holidays: 2 weeks in winter; in summer – July, August.
A group will have 10-15 students from different countries.

Distribution by Groups
Before enrollment, a test is conducted, according to its results, students will be divided into different groups according to their level of language proficiency.
End of the Course
At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate that gives you the right to enter RSMU and any other university in Russia.
Areas of Training
Medical and biological studies
Russian language, Biology, Physics, Chemistry
Natural science
Russian language, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry
Russian language, History, Social studies, Mathematics
Russian language, Literature, Social studies, History
Engineering and technical studies
Russian language, Mathematics, Physics, Computer science
Individual Plan
Our university also conducts individual training in the following areas:
- Biomedical profile (biology, physics, chemistry);
- Russian as a foreign language (Russian language, literature);
- Individual lessons with a teacher (in order to get individual lessons, you should sign a contract (for a fee)).

The Cost of Studies
The training of foreign citizens is carried out at the expense of the following sources of financing:
- according to the quota of the Government of the Russian Federation;
- contract training (for a fee).
The tuition fee for the 2023/2024 academic year is 194,000 rubles.
The tuition fee is set by the order of the Rector of the University for the next academic year.
Payment is made in the form of a monetary contribution to the University’s current account at a time for a year of study.
The Cost of Living
Students of the Preparatory Department are provided with a block–type dormitory: 6 rooms for 2-3 people. The bathroom is shared on the block. There is no possibility of single occupancy. Dormitory №2 is is located on the Bolshevikov Avenue 13/1, Dybenko Street metro station
For students of the budget form of education the payment is 1,525 rubles per month, for students of the contract form 4,645 rubles per month.
Contact the Department
Tel: +7 (812) 372-50-89,